Jumat, 17 Maret 2017

Assalamualikum Wr.Wb

Hi all, thanks for visiting my blog. This is my blog, maybe before that I would introduce myself.
   My name is icha Novianti, usually called icha. Now I was in the university Tanjongpura level. Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, department of chemistry

    here I'll tell you a little about my skills that I normally do when I was a kid until now
here I will tell you a little about my skills, I do not have the skill, but I have i'm hobby that can say my skill. I have a hobby of dance for the dance world has taught me a lot of things for myself and other person why I liked the dance field? Because for me the dance moves that change people's lives Become more calm, but It also eliminates the stress of someone dancing, dancing skills are not owned by smua people and not one single thing that d be in the world of dance. In the world of dance I learned many things, for example to train together my patience in the team besides practice concentration, responsiveness, in dancing for me it took kesabran very large Because for me the dance movements beautiful if done with care and patience from ourselves , the dancing we not only entertain another orng with the movement of our movement, but for me at the dance has owned his own cool value.
      other than that for me to dance the impact  Positive especially for myself, a small sample with dancing indirectly we have been doing sports, dancing is one to make my body more healthy, for me dancing can Increase creativity and coached me in the balance of the body, dancing it has a value of cheerfulness itself in the world of dance is not just the movement that I have gained in my dancing have a team where the team was the usual combination of other classes as well as other areas of dance I learned to adapt to the friends I've just met, as well as to train so that I can read a person and train karater I was not embarrassed when performing in front of people will give you the confidence that I could stand in front of many orng. Dancing is not just to entertain a lot of people, and not everyone can dance, because dance is not easy in the dance need someone meaningful in practice and serious in movement of people who are willing to cooperate with the team. work together in a team is the biggest challenge for me because to succeed in the dance moves teamwork is good, because the dance moves will look beautiful with good teamwork because for my success can only be achieved with good teamwork

I hope this story has no value for you! Thank you for your attention! Byee

thank you

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb

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